I'm Paras

As a seasoned software developer, I specialize in creating dynamic web & mobile applications.
I've collaborated with clients from diverse backgrounds.
I'm interested in building solutions and teams.
Feel free to connect :)

Black and white illustration of a person in a helmet with the word 'EVOLVE' on it. The person is in profile view, with chin straps visible.

1   {
2       first_name: "paras",
3       last_name: "bisht",
4       gender: "male",
5       is_developer: true,
6       caption: "I'm not a bug, I'm a feature in development",
      skills: ["Javascript", "Typescript", "ReactJS", "NextJS", "NodeJS", "ExpressJS", "MongoDB",
                  "TailwindCSS", "MERN", "Git", "PostgreSQL", "Data Visualization", "Docker", "AWS"]
8       location: "Uttarakhand, India",
9       start_date: "2020-10-01",
10   }

Paras Bisht

Software Developer
on Planet

briefcase iconWork Experience


I joined Sirpi in October 2021. The initial days were very important for me, as I was learning a lot as a developer, and working with diverse teams helped me develop my soft skills. Since then, I have contributed to multiple projects and gained valuable experience from them.

The projects I worked on were data-driven solutions. Some of the major projects that I contributed to are:

Wind Farm Monitoring Dashboard Application for Wind Clients: I collaborated with a cross-functional team in an Agile environment to develop a user-centric dashboard for wind engineers. Designed and built over 30 reusable React components, enhancing the scalability and flexibility of the dashboard. Automated the generation of weekly reports, facilitating critical decision-making for wind system optimization.

Centralized Data Platform for Refurbished Automotive Providers: We delivered a web and Android application to serve as a central data aggregator, optimizing the management of used vehicle data. Integrated features such as in-app notifications, dynamic filters, data import & export capabilities, and media handling. Utilized Apache ECharts to create interactive data visualizations, enabling critical insights for precise vehicle pricing evaluations and driving smarter decision-making processes.

GIS & Temporal Data Visualization Web Application for a Data Exchange Entity: I collaborated with my team of three developers to build an advanced data visualization web application. Delivered a solution to efficiently manage and visualize complex geospatial and temporal data.

With over three years at this company, I now also have experience in managing teams and taking full ownership of project development. I have also conducted interviews to hire budding developers, and together we are working on newer projects that are helping companies in their digital transformation with data and visualization.

A blog page header featuring a stylized illustration of a person with long hair and a white hoodie on the left, accompanied by a list of blog titles and their publication dates on the right. The blogs include topics like 'Earth Population Visualization, useRef() - Beyond DOM Access,' 'You should know Web Accessibility,' and 'What is Unicode and UTF-8?'. The design uses a dark theme with orange accents for headings.

Blogs by Paras, here I share insights on topics I find interesting and hope they’ll be useful to you too.


Earth Population Visualization

Earth Population Visualization

</> ReactJS, TypeScript, ECharts, Tailwind-CSS

This project visualizes population and world fertility data from 1960 to 2023, highlighting major trends and key observations from the datasets.

React Markdown App

React Markdown App

</> ReactJS, TypeScript, Markdown, Tailwind-CSS

Built with ReactJS using tailwindCSS and react-markdown, this is a minimal looking fully type-safe note-taking application with markdown support. Includes theme toggle, edit notes, tags, and responsive design.

Next Gallery App

Next Gallery App

</> NextJS 14, TypeScript, DrizzleORM, Tailwind-CSS

Server-side rendered gallery app. Sign in and start uploading your images. Contains parallel and intercepting routes using Next.js 14. Built using the fully type-safe Drizzle ORM.

File Share App

File Share App

</> ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, TailwindCSS, Cloud Storage

A secure file-sharing application built on the MERN stack and integrated with Google Cloud Storage. Protect your files with ease by assigning passwords for secure access. Get shareable download links to share your files with others.

Divine Explorer

Divine Explorer

</> Leaflet, geoJSON, CSS

Take a look at the destinations that you may wish to visit in Uttarakhand. This web application was developed using JavaScript and Leaflet (map rendering library).

E-Commerce App

E-Commerce App

</> Sanity, Payment Gateway, NextJS

With the use of Sanity for content management, here in this app we can add, remove or edit our products without making any changes in the code. This app also includes Stripe integration for payments (here in test mode) so you can try that out!

Amazon Price tracker

Amazon Price tracker

</> ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Puppeteer, Nodemailer

This is a project built using React and Express. Here you can paste the product url from Amazon to see the current price of an item. Then you can choose the price to get notified through mail whenever the price drops.

API Call App

API Call App

</> Vanilla JavaScript, Axios, Bootstrap

Built using plain JavaScript and Bootstrap, this web app allows you to make API calls.

A portrait of Kanye West with a trimmed beard and short hair, wearing a black shirt against a teal background, looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression.

"We're going to move the entire music industry into the 21st Century"